Friday, June 16, 2017


Special relativity defines time as the interval between events.
A profound definition it is. But after days of seeking within myself and inspiration from a number of sources, I came up with the definition that time is the single encompassing constant of the universe which connects all that is, was and all that will ever be. For it is time alone that connects the various galaxies(for if you compress time, distance is nothing). It is time alone that connects nothingness to something. It alone CONNECTS OUR VERY CONCEPTION TO OUR DEATH. It is this same time that connects our goals/ideas to their successful realities.
I can barely scratch the surface of the concept of time even in deep meditation but the point of this post is to examine it as a catalyst to creating a priority list in our limited lifetime. The thought in itself that there is a point on this earth that we will no longer BE should suffice as enough motivation to do all that we TRULY want to do and BE all that we TRULY want to be.
Before writing this article I searched deep for something worthwhile. I had the topic for a long time and ruminated on it for a while. Then, I found ample inspiration from the book of Ecclesiastes written by King Solomon(a recommended read).
For the true reason for this post is for the establishment of the right mindset to propel us ever forward.
I wrote in the second paragraph that time connects our BIRTH TO OUR DEATH but what I want us to dwell on is the INTERVAL THEREIN and what we do with it.
The realization and constant state of mind that to all of life there is an end, indeed helps to KEEP FIRST THINGS FIRST. This reminder also ought to be the fuel required to propel you further towards that life dream you've always wanted to achieve.
An important realization is that time in itself CANNOT be controlled by man BUT WE HAVE ABSOLUTE CONTROL OVER WHAT WE DO WITH IT. We must dare to FastTrack our thoughts to when we are at death's door and ask ourselves the difficult question of whether or not we are fulfilled with our usage of time. A huge regret will be to look back from such a time and realize that you didn’t do the things you really wanted to or you didn’t believe enough in yourself to do them or worse still, you didn’t set aside time for them. This isn't solely about monetary achievements but of all round fulfilment- for instance, travelling the world, helping the poor, taking risks, loving truly, being adventurous or being the best you could truly be. In a book by Kenneth Copeland, laws of prosperity he defined prosperity as threefold; physical, spiritual and mental. This is what I mean by all round fulfilment.
It is time to look deep within yourself. Ask yourself the difficult question constantly- if my life were to end at the dusk of day will I be happy and satisfied with all I have done ?
The UNCERTAINTY OF TOMORROW, OF EVEN THE NEXT SECOND should be enough fuel to propel us daily to achieve our greatest life's desires.
We truly have only one life to live, live it to the fullest in the right sense of it.
Live. Love. Laugh. Achieve. Prosper.

Thursday, June 1, 2017


Oscar Wilde once wrote and I quote “we are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars”. A strong statement letting us understand we have the capacity to imagine great feats of achievements. All that is left is making our imaginations a reality and making it as great as it can possibly be.
Thinking big is basically the act of planning, imagining, and thinking boundlessly and without limitations(a personal definition).
Before I delve right into the article, it is paramount that you set your mind loose and let it wander….let it wander to the magnificence of your very existence, to the inexplicability of how one plants an apple seed and it grows into an Apple tree which then brings forth fruits that bring forth even more seeds(and many more of nature’s mysteries). Take a minute off this post, close your eyes and let your great mind wander(and wonder too).
NOW that your mind has escaped into a higher realm I need not tell you to think outside the box because there really is NO BOX.
At this point you possess the right state of mind to scale your ideas and think bigger than you did yesterday…and even bigger as the days go by.
Here are 6 basic steps to thinking big.

1. Let the right thoughts fill your mind: similar to the exercise in the third paragraph above, fill your mind with positive stimulating thoughts that place your mind in an elevated state. Shut out all negative thoughts and emotions for they are indeed limiting. Truth is, we are somewhat imbibed into whatever we constantly think about. Napoleon Hill said, “The mind is a CREATURE OF HABIT, it thrives upon the dominating thoughts FED IT.” A profound statement I'm sure we can all relate to.

2. Set out time (as often as needed) to let your mind SOAR THE CLOUDS OF INFINITE POSSIBILITIES. You will need a preferred time and place where you will be far from distractions or at least somewhere you can concentrate, a place where your heart, mind and total being is in constant harmony. I for instance, love the dark, quiet early mornings that make me feel I'm the only soul on earth.

3. Bring your self to a meditative state: once you've found harmony with your external environment it is time to do the same with your inner being. The more you meditate on something, the more you’re influenced by it; then your mind can connect the dots between possible and “seemingly impossible”.

4. Find motivation: This is extremely key. Motivation is the fuel of the mind. By all means seek yours and find it. Some may find it in achievements of top individuals trailblazing the field they seek to do exploits, in books, in movies, even in emotions (emotions both good and bad, when converted through the right means, are invaluable motivators). By all means find yours. You could also be motivated by multiple sources. Indeed, the more the merrier.

5. Run your ideas by a mentor you trust, one you believe in, one that will multiply them and not divide them, one that will add and not subtract from them. One that will help expand your mind and not shrink it’s capacity.

6. Strive for perfection/constantly break barriers. Constantly beat your own records. Be in competition with yourself to be better than you were yesterday.

It is not sufficient to think big. To complete the process, you must also think of the plans to achieve this feat WITHOUT SCALING BACK DOWN.
You must think enough about it till you see it in your dreams. At this point, the things you don't even know you see, your mind captures them and stores them in the IDEA ARCHIVE to be brought forth to your conscious mind on request when you meditate.
After successfully planning how to achieve your big thoughts, you may ask how to begin to execute them. I'd say, firstly: read my last post(with a grin). Secondly and more seriously: CHANCE FAVOURS THE PREPARED MIND. Once you're prepared and equipped with the accurate details required, when chance, opportunities arise, you can grasp them with wide open arms (smiles).


Special relativity defines time as the interval between events. A profound definition it is. But after days of seeking within myself and in...